Neighborhood Association

Join the Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association

All residents of Woodland Hills are eligible to join the Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association. The Association was formed to improve and maintain the appearance of the neighborhood, enhance communication in the community, and represent our neighborhood to City and County government.

Activities of the Association include:

  • Maintaining the four main entrances, neighborhood signs, and the intersection circles.
  • Publishing the neighborhood newsletter, (the Woodland Hills Journal), updating the Facebook page, and maintaining the neighborhood website.
  • Representing the neighborhood before City departments, such as the Planning and Zoning Commission.
  • Welcoming new residents through the New Residents Committee.
  • Bringing the community together through Association meetings, picnics, and other events. Neighborhood-wide Association meetings are held regularly.

Additional meetings are called from time to time to discuss specific concerns, such as traffic, schools, and street and sewer projects.

To join the Neighborhood Association, just send your name, phone number, street address, and email address along with the $75.00 annual dues.  You can make your payment at the annual meeting, online via Venmo(@woodlandhillstuscaloosa) or PayPal(, or mail to John Sikes, Treasurer, at 3818 Somerset Place, 35405. Annual dues are due in January of each year.

The Board of Directors of the WHNA is composed of seven directors, each representing a different section of the neighborhood (email us at to find out your section).  In addition, four officers, two at-large Directors, an Associate Director, and the president and vice-president of the Garden Club also serve on the Board.  The Directors are elected by a vote of the Woodland Hills residents attending the annual meeting each January.  The Board meets quarterly to discuss issues, concerns, ongoing business, and the plan events.

If you have any questions about the Association or about anything else concerning Woodland Hills, or are a new resident, please send an email with your contact information and question to

Woodland Hills Association Reports:

Woodland Hills Board meeting winter ’16 report

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